Monday, February 8, 2010

Snow Solutions

Over the weekend, Pittsburgh received somewhere between 2 and 3 feet of snow, snow bounding many locals and forcing some ingenuity. Our block was a favorite spot to get stuck for the possessed drivers who dared challenge Mother Nature. Most neighbors just stayed outside with their kids, shovels in hand, ready to do whatever needed to be done (and biting our lip when we know that driver shouldn't have tried to drive on that road to begin with, yet here we are helping them out... 6 cars, 7, 8...)

Meanwhile, there's only so much cold, wet bum one can handle before needing to go back inside and make the most of one's cabin fever.

Inspired by a Little Bear episode, in which he and all his friends and family are snow bound themselves, they make something called "Snow Creme". The ingredients are snow, creme, and honey. I will be sure to try this out and play with the right proportions. But for now, this was our version:

"Snow Shake"

How to:


Today we did the following:

3/4 cups berries
1 1/2 cups snow
1/2 yogurt
2 tablespoons of milk
opt: 1/2 cup sugar or honey

Use whatever proportions suit your fancy.

It's what we had on hand, and it made for a healthy snack that is fun to make. We harvested what Mother Nature generously offered and had what Hazel deemed ,"Beau-i-ful drink! Magic trick! Mommy make baby beau-i-ful drink."

Nuff said.


  1. Holy moly thats a lot of snow. If Nico had to be penned in because of snow, I think I'd crack up. He needs several hours of outside...
