My sisters, Meredith, Charlee, and I, loved playing flower fairies. It was our favorite game. We'd pick out a dress from our Goodwill Prom dress box, designate certain sectors of the yard for each of us to rule, and then separate and, well, rule. For example, Meredith would pick the prized yellow rose bush area to rule, and be a rose fairy. I would choose the tree with the feathery pink blossoms and be called Feather Fairy. Char would get whatever was leftover, like groundcover, and be...the groundcover fairy.
Love you, ladies.
We'd also reconvene, only to discover that while isolated in our kingdoms, quite coincidentally, we all came across handsome, fairy princes to marry and have fairy babies with.
"Fairies", needless to say, was destined to be the theme for Hazel's room. And who better than the original fairy squad to help put it together.
Michael's was plentiful in $1 wooden boxes and cheapo bird houses to stain and adorn with moss, mini flower pots, paper-cut out fairies, etc. We also got some shelves and turned them into little dioramas. The result is whimsical, nostalgic, food for Hazel's imagination and my reminiscence. At just a few months old, she quickly became very interested in the butterflies, ladybugs, and moss. Her story corner is an enchanted reading-time nook. And she doesn't go to bed without saying goodnight to all her creature friends (keep this in mind as a warning...there are a lot of fairies and bugs in that room, and so, bedtime is epic).
The fairy figurines were originally doll cake toppers in the baking section at Michael's (they had no legs, only a short peg). I had a hodge podge of silk flowers, feathers, acorns from my neighbors tree, etc. A hot glue gun later and some dissected butterfly wings later, they became fairies. I was going to do 4, one for each season. The feathery fairy is the Autumn Fairy. The leafy one is a Summer fairy. I still have Spring and Winter to finish.

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